Currently I'm...

By Ciara Rosney - March 22, 2019

I've decided to take inspiration from Carrie Hope Fletcher, who posted a video simply talking about a list of things she was currently doing, and I thought I would sit down and write out my own take on the list. 

Currently I'm reading... Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Ah, one of my favourites. I was in a little bit of a reading rut and had no inspiration to get stuck into the never ending pile of books to be read on my shelf, and whenever I'm feeling like that, the only thing to get me back into the reading game is to open up an old favourite. It isn't my most loved book in the Potter series (Prisoner of Azkaban will always hold that spot) but I realised just how long it had been since I had actually opened this one up. I mean, there was even dust on the pages! I'm getting through this quickly and I can't believe how much I forgot happened... But I'm loving every second of it and I can't wait to re-read the whole series. You can stay up to date with the books I'm currently reading on my Goodreads here

Currently I'm watching... Lost
Again, another old favourite - minus the second half of the series. Seriously, don't even get me started. Lost has always been a series I go back to when I'm not sure what to watch next or sometimes I just get the sudden need for nostalgia. After speeding through the first three seasons, I've slowed down a little as I've gotten to the seasons that never should have been but I'm going to push through it and watch them all, no matter how long it takes!

Currently I'm feeling... Happy
Very recently I was offered a job I'd been hunting for for months. I was also elated to be given the information I was the only one who had been put forward for an interview, and the fact they rang barely ten minutes after said interview to offer me the job was just the cherry on top. I'm excited to start this new path in life and finally do something I actually have a passion for after years of being stuck in a job that seriously affected my mental wellbeing. Hopefully this job does me good.

Currently I'm proud of... Myself
In the last month, I quit my old job in retail without having another one to jump right into just because I couldn't stand being there any longer. If you've worked in retail before, you'll understand exactly how it feels to have the life drained from you just by stepping foot in that place. I then found myself a job to do with something I actually have an interest in. I did all of this without one freak out - I think that's something to be proud of.

Currently I'm grateful for... Netflix
This month without a job has been incredibly boring and I couldn't have gotten through it without the endless shows Netflix carries. I've managed to watch my way through so many shows, such as Orange is the New Black, Doctor Who, Peaky Blinders and That 70s Show. They're all old favourites but that doesn't mean they're any less entertaining. Being grateful for a streaming service makes me sound a little bit like a loser but that's my answer. So thanks, Netflix!

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