21 Things I've Learnt in 21 Years

By Ciara Rosney - March 29, 2019

As it was my birthday this week, I thought it would be good to sit down and reflect on the things I have learnt during my time on this planet we call home. It's nice to think about how much I can accomplish in the coming year compared to the last, and I cannot wait to see what position I'm in when it comes to my 22nd birthday - one thing I know for sure is that I'll be in Disney World, so that's something to look forward to! Now on to the list...

  1. Put your health first. I've learned the hard way that you can't get things done when your body isn't functioning as it should be. Taking care of yourself is so important; no one likes to suddenly crash.
  2. Everything is temporary. There is no point in wasting time worrying about temporary situations. What is worrying going to achieve?
  3. It's who you know, not what you know. Okay, it is ideal to actually know what you're doing but the amount of opportunities you will get comes from the people you interact and socialise with.
  4. Ham and pineapple is the best pizza topping. There is no doubt about it.
  5. Books fix everything. No matter the mood or the situation, there will always be a book to relax you, especially Harry Potter. As JK Rowling said, "Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."
  6. Save money - it's a must.
  7. You don't need to drink to have fun. There's no point in drinking just because everyone else is when you don't like the taste or being drunk. Also, the hangovers are never worth it.
  8. Everything happens for a reason.
  9. When in doubt, listen to Beyoncé. Whether it's her music, speeches or interviews, Beyoncé is the queen and will help in any situation.
  10. When it comes to friends, quality is more important than quantity.
  11. It's okay to admit you're wrong. Note to self: being stubborn is one of your most annoying qualities. Just say you're wrong, damn it.
  12. Life goes on. Time doesn't stand still or rewind when something goes wrong, so build a bridge and get over it.
  13. You can never have too much cheese on your spaghetti bolognese.
  14. You don't have to have an opinion on everything, saying you don't know is completely fine, especially when it comes to things you have no particular interest in. You don't need to have a view on everything.
  15. Comparison is a waste of time. This can be especially difficult when people are showing off their photoshopped lives all over social media. The only person you should be compared to is your past self to see how far you have come.
  16. Judging people only says more about you. There are no positives that come from judging people so let them live their lives while you live yours.
  17. Scented candles are a dream.
  18. Own your mistakes and learn from them.
  19. Skin care is everything. It's an investment that will definitely pay off in the long run. It's never too early to start applying eye cream and most importantly, SPF is crucial.
  20. If you think you can function on 4 hours of sleep or less, you're wrong. No one can operate on that amount and those who say they can are liars.
  21. Get to know your family. They won't be around forever and you never know, you might be introduced to some juicy secrets.

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