Morning Skincare Routine

By Ciara Rosney - September 16, 2019

Finding a skincare routine that works for you can take months, even years, but once you’ve created the perfect combination of lotions and potions, you’ll feel like you’ve won the lottery. It’s easy to think products aren’t working and you need to switch things up or take things out of your routine. That’s exactly how I felt during months of trying to find what worked for me. And then I hit the jackpot.

For a little background on my skin (although I’d recommend these products for all skin types), it had always been clear and slightly on the dry side. I never suffered with horrible acne in my teens, and I was on the pill for around two-and-a-half years so that kept it in its best condition. I then came off the pill so my body could have a break. That’s where it all went wrong. I’d read countless articles and blog posts about the dreaded post-pill acne and when I came off it, I thought I’d gotten away with it. I got cocky. Around the three-month mark, I woke up with a number of spots around my jaw, chin and cheeks, and it just got worse and worse every day. The feeling of dread every morning before I looked in the mirror actually made me go back on the pill. Although I’m only one month back on, my skin hasn’t changed. I still get spots, though new ones don’t appear as often, and I’ve found the skincare routine that works to calm the redness down.


I’ve dabbled with countless cleansers. Some have worked okay whilst others have given me a horrible rash. The Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Cleanser seems to be the only one so far that’s given me the results I’ve been looking for. Although it says to apply to wet skin, I find it’s best not to do so. In fact, I don’t understand products that direct the user to apply a cleanser to wet skin. Putting a cleanser, especially this one, onto dry skin allows it to properly pick up all the oil and dirt, and then adding a little bit of water during the process to massage the cleanser around your skin works miles better. I try to stay clear of products that foam as I find they strip the skin and give it a tight, dry feeling. The Hydro Boost Water Gel cleanser doesn’t do that, despite working up into a lather. After use, my skin feels soft and hydrated and, most importantly, doesn’t break me out.


Eye Cream

I’ve suffered with dark under eye circles for as long as I can remember and reluctantly come to terms with it just being in my genes, and that there’s nothing I can do about them. That’s why I wasn’t surprised when The Body Shop’s Vitamin E Eye Cream didn’t live up to everything it claimed to do. Despite the lack of help with that problem, I’d say it’s still a good eye cream. With water being the first ingredient on the list, and therefore the largest quantity, it really makes a difference to the dryness of my under eyes. The thin, creamy consistency is easy to tap into the skin and with this, a little goes a long way!

Facial Oil

If I have open wounds on my face (read: I’ve picked at my spots), I stay clear of this step but on any other day, I’m all for it. Facial oils are one of my favourite steps and should be incorporated into everyone’s skincare routine. Yes, that means you oily skins too! Even though it’s a tad on the pricey side for a high street product, I don’t care; skincare should be an investment, as they say. The Body Shop’s Oils of Life Intensely Revitalising Facial Oil truly lives up to the hype! It’s lightweight, provides your skin with the moisture it needs and gives you a gorgeous, natural glow that doesn’t look oily at all. I pour between three and five drops onto the palm of my hands and rub them together before gently pressing it into my face and neck. You don’t need much more than that to give you moisture that lasts all day.


Sticking with Neutrogena’s Hydro Boost range, the Water Gel Moisturiser is definitely at the top of the list of my all-time favourite moisturisers! I’ve been using this product for two years now and I can’t see myself switching any time soon. With a light texture that instantly hydrates the skin, it’s ideal for wearing underneath makeup as well as on naked skin days. I’ve noticed the difference when I use this under makeup compared to when I’m trying something new, and my makeup has always applied so smoothly on top. It contains hyaluronic acid, which is naturally found in the skin, so it means that all hydration your skin has is locked in place. All I can say is that I love it and would recommend to anyone.


If you take anything from this skincare routine, please let it be SPF! It’s the most important step and something I’ve drilled into so many of my friends and family. It’s to be worn all year long, rain or sunshine. At the moment, I’m switching between two products: Skin Defence Multi-Protection Essence SPF 50 from The Body Shop and Anthelios Ultra Light Fluid N/C Skin SPF 50+ from La Roche-Posay. I hadn’t intended on trying the La Roche-Posay SPF, but when I went to buy my backup of my usual at The Body Shop, I was told it had been taken off all shelves and was in the middle of going through a change of ingredients. To say I was gutted would be an understatement. As of now, there is still no word on when it will be back on sale, so for now I will stick with La Roche-Posay. It’s an interesting product. The liquid is light and runny, and has a slight yellow tint, but that disappears after rubbing it into the skin. However, as I am so pale, I can’t say what it would be like on dark skin tones. There is also a slight sting when first applying, though it doesn’t last long at all. It’s strange. It’s a nice product and will do for now, but I have to say I’ll be going back to my trust Body Shop SPF 50 as soon as I can.

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